I am always excited to learn about new things that help empower women and girls. Check this out:
The Amelia Bloomer Project produces an annual list of books for young readers, ages birth through 18, that contain significant feminist content-not just cardboard “feisty” or “spunky” girls and women, but tales of those who have broken barriers and have fought to change their situations and their environment.
Examples of books include:
Violet the Pilot- Rejected by classmates for her love of science and mechanics, Violet’s wild invention saves the day when others need her help.
Running Shoes- With her new shoes, Sophy runs through the rice fields of Cambodia to the local school, where, as the only girl, she strives to achieve her dream of an education.
Ballots for Belva: the True Story of a Woman’s Race for the Presidency- During the late 1800’s when only men could vote, Belva Lockwood earned a law degree, successfully argued cases before the Supreme Court, and ran for the office of President of the United States.
For a complete list of books, and more about the project, check out: