How many anti-aging cream commericals have you seen lately? And how many advertisements have you seen while flipping through "women's" magazines? Or just what about walking through the lotion/ face-wash section at the store?
Anti-aging products are everywhere, but, they are only meant for women. When is the last time you saw an anti-aging skin cream commercial or ad with a man in it? I never have.
Meaningful Beauty is a higher end product that was originally created to keep Cindy Crawford from aging. Then Crawford convinced the doctor who made it to bottle it up in bulk and sell it to all women who don't want to look older. (I've seen this infomerical too many times.) Then male Dr. Jean Louis Sebagh comes on and plugs his product. But wait- he has wrinkles! What? Apparently, he doesn't feel it necessary to use his own product, because men can age. It's OK. His product is for women.
Here's a big middle finger to Dr. Jean Louis Sebagh, who prays on female insecurity that's been developed through sexist beauty standards. Men can just be, but women have to go to endless lengths to remain youthful and attractive. F off.