Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Rape simulation computer game

I just heard about "RapeLay," a Japanese rape simulation PC game. Just the words "rape simulation" made me want to punch a hole through the wall, but then, I read the actual premise of the game. Now my blood is really boiling.

Basically, as the 'player,' you are a male rapist. You enjoy molesting pretty women on the subway, but one of the women turns you into the police. After spending some time in jail, you are out for revenge. Your goal is to rape her and her family.

You begin the game by following that woman on the subway. While on the train, you molest her against her will. Although she is fighting your advances, her arousal meter increases, as if she is actually enjoying the violation. After you both get off the train, you stalk her, and then rape her in a park. After raping her, you need to photograph her naked with semen all over her body. When you do this, you have advanced to the next level.

You have now been given the opportunity to rape her mother and little sister as well. The mother also gets molested on the subway. But now you get to rape her in a dirty bathroom. When you get to the younger sister, who is about 10-years-old, you get to rape her in her bed next to her teddy bears. The camera zooms in on her face, with her eyes swollen, as she can't stop crying.

And because two of the women are both virgins, you break their hymens and there is blood.

Once all three women have been raped, you are now allowed to rape whichever woman you want, wherever you want, and in several new positions. There are also several challenges to complete, such as making one of the women swallow semen three times. The more challenges you complete, the more the women will submit to the rape.

Now every time you ejaculate inside a woman, there is a chance she can get pregnant. If she does, you are then to force her to get an abortion. The longer the abortion takes, the bigger and bigger the baby will grow. And if the women ends up giving birth, she will push you in front of a train and your life is over. So it's important to force that abortion on her.

You also have the option of inviting your friends to join in on the raping.

WHAT THE HELL? This game made $100 million since 2007. Even worse, people defend this game. I have been reading comments that say things like, "I would rather have men play video games about rape than actually raping women," and "I'm not a fan of the game, but anything that makes the hate-group known as American Feminism (like Equality Now) upset makes me happy." One entire discussion board about the game was nothing more than feminist bashing.

How much more can we take as women? I say, enough is enough. When people find rape and violence against women an acceptable form of entertainment, that's where we have to take a stand. For people to support this game, and bash the women who oppose it, we know our society is in trouble. There is a game about violently raping women and girls, yet feminists are the evil ones? How did our culture get so far out of hand? How has rape become OK, and women's rights become the worst thing in the world.

If you don't call yourself a feminist yet, what are you waiting for? It's time to demand respect for ourselves and fight for equality. Women aren't rag dolls to be tossed around and raped and beaten. We need to send a clear message: we are united and we aren't going to put up with this shit.