Friday, April 24, 2009

Did David Letterman really just say that? What a sexist ass wipe!

So I was just watching TV and there was a clip from the David Letterman Show on. Regis was dressed up like Shrek and made an impromptu appearance on the show. While interviewing Regis/ Shrek, Letterman actually said, "Why don't you and I get a couple of whores?"

WHAT?!? When I saw the clip on TV, I thought I must have misunderstood. So I went on YouTube, and sure enough, that's what he said. First of all, why did he even say this? It was completely random and out of context. Second, I cannot believe he had the audacity to refer to women as "whores." Women in the sex industry are victims, plain and simple. To degrade these women by labeling them as whores and then making a joke about having sex with them is appalling. Why don't we get some whores? Really? You really just said that? These women are treated as jokes to men, literally, and then they are purchased for male amusement. All women are human beings! Not animals or slaves used to entertain men.

Worst of all, everybody laughed at this. The audience found this to be soooo funny. What if Letterman would have said this instead: "Why don't we go find some women who were likely to have been sexually abused as children and as a result have psychological problems, and probably have drug dependency issues too, because they started using drugs to numb the pain of living as a prostitute. Let's go get these women, and pay them to sleep with us. Not because we respect and love them, but because they are whores and we are men and we can take advantage of victimized women."

Would the audience think that was a hoot? I would hope not, but I guess the word "whore" is funny to people. And out of the entire 2.5 minute interview, why was this 3o seconds used as the highlight on entertainment television? Because people think it was the funniest joke of the interview. That is so sickening. Making jokes about getting whores? Excuse my language, but what a fucking piece of shit. David Letterman is complete jack ass and I have no respect for him.

Here's the clip. He says it around 1:05.