I believe this image was intended to deter men from buying sex during the war. Was this supposed to be a good message, because I find it to be very offensive.
First, labeling prostitutes as spreaders of syphilis and gonorrhea takes a lot of nerve. How do these women get these STDs in the first place? By the sleaze bag men who are buying sex from them. Men spread syphilis and gonorrhea to prostitutes, just as prostitutes spread it to men. This is a sexist way of making men look like upstanding civilians, and women as disease spreading whores.
What's most disturbing is that they are using an STD as a deterrent during the war. That's a good deterrent, but why not tell the truth? This is what is should read: Men who know say no to prostitutes...because they are probably kidnapped as young girls, sold to a brothel, beaten, starved, and forced to have sex with up to 40 men a day. Men who know do not participate in sexual slavery! The sick thing is, most men would care more about the STD, rather than the victimization of a human being.
First, labeling prostitutes as spreaders of syphilis and gonorrhea takes a lot of nerve. How do these women get these STDs in the first place? By the sleaze bag men who are buying sex from them. Men spread syphilis and gonorrhea to prostitutes, just as prostitutes spread it to men. This is a sexist way of making men look like upstanding civilians, and women as disease spreading whores.
What's most disturbing is that they are using an STD as a deterrent during the war. That's a good deterrent, but why not tell the truth? This is what is should read: Men who know say no to prostitutes...because they are probably kidnapped as young girls, sold to a brothel, beaten, starved, and forced to have sex with up to 40 men a day. Men who know do not participate in sexual slavery! The sick thing is, most men would care more about the STD, rather than the victimization of a human being.